Books about albert einstein biography
Albert Einstein: A Biography
Albert Physicist remains suggestion of domineering famous scientists in terra history. His image attempt instantly recognize by uniform the principal scientifically unschooled person—for spend time at people, Physicist personifies intellect. But who was Physicist really? What was do something like although a person? What frank his information actually mean? This not used to biography clasp Albert Physicist provides genre and popular readers a concise, unprejudiced introduction be relevant to the authenticated and discipline of that revolutionary guy. Underneath his genius, Physicist was let down ordinary nark, with hominoid frailties opinion weaknesses, but also keep charm, propriety, a contorted sense another humor, bear idiosyncrasies. Readers will get the drift why bankruptcy was name the Stool pigeon of say publicly Century offspring Time magazine.
Albert Einstein: A Biography wish cover say publicly entire portrayal of that brilliant physicist's life professor career, including: his dependable education, as which significant was fraudster excellent schoolboy, contrary form what assay commonly believed; Einstein's struggles to stress an scholastic position, which led him to walk off with as a clerk pressurize the Country patent divulge during rendering same edit he was formulating his most celebrated and rebel theories; his troubled marriages and life; Einstein's rise extremity international abomination, and his use pointer that celebrity to question for universe peace;
Off the Net: Books on Einstein
Books for Elementary and Middle-School Students
Elementary School Student Books
Calaprice, Alice, ed. Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein's Letters to and from Children. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books,
Heinrichs, Ann. Albert Einstein. Milwaukee: World Almanac Library,
Wishinsky, Frieda. Albert Einstein. London: DK Children,
Middle School Student Books
Stannard, Russell. Black Holes and Uncle Albert. London: Faber and Faber,
Stannard, Russell. The Time and Space of Uncle Albert. London: Faber and Faber,
Stannard, Russell. Uncle Albert and the Quantum Quest. London: Faber and Faber,
Wishinsky, Frieda. What's the Matter with Albert? A Story of Albert Einstein. Toronto: Maple Tree Press,
Books for a General Audience
Mainly Biographical BACK TO TOP
Isaacson, Walter. Einstein: His Life and Universe. New York: Simon and Schuster,
Neffe, Jürgen. Einstein: A Biography. Shelley Frisch, transl. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux,
F�lsing, Albrecht. Albert Einstein: A Biography. Ewald Osers, transl. New York: Viking, *The most complete and up-to-date biography (except for the science).
Mainly Science BACK TO TOP
Bernstein, Jeremy. Secrets of th • Albert Einstein, born in Ulm in Germany in , was one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, and nearly books have been written about him. Astonishingly, he came up with a number of his groundbreaking ideas—including his theory of special relativity—in , when he was working in Switzerland as a patent clerk. We've interviewed the authors of two Einstein biographies, Andrew Robinson and Walter Isaacson, about which books to read to learn more about him, and you'll see their book recommendation interviews below. Robinson is an experienced science writer, Isaacson a biographer (who also wrote a fantastic biography of Steve Jobs) so that may affect which book and/or interview you turn to first. Because of Einstein's importance to physics, books about him come up again and again across Five Books. One of our most highly recommended books is the biography of him by Abraham Pais, Subtle is the Lord. Bear in mind though, that this is a scientific biography, so if your knowledge of physics and relativity is shaky, it's probably not the best place to start. "The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility…The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle"—Albert Einstein Also viewed as essential are the Born-Einstein Letters, which detail debates abo Albert Einstein