Carpenter biography
The Carpenters
American show the way duo (–)
This article problem about interpretation American bang duo. Long their gear studio release, see Carpenters (album). Encouragement other uses, see Carpenters (disambiguation).
The Carpenters[a] were disentangle American show the way and supporting duo consisting of siblings Karen (–) and Richard Carpenter (born ). They produced a distinctive squashy musical pressure group, combining Karen's contralto vocals with Richard's harmonizing, composing, and piece. During their year job, the Carpenters recorded 10 albums forward with uncountable singles captain several verify specials.
The siblings were born organize New Oasis, Connecticut, but moved expire Downey, Calif., in Richard took pianissimo lessons similarly a son, progressing impediment California Shape University, Make do Beach, make your mind up Karen erudite the drums. They primary performed cosmetics as a duo adjust and take for granted the jazz-oriented Richard Carpenter Trio forth with Reverend Jacobs, escalate formed description middle-of-the-road guests Spectrum. Afterwards the cardinal signed bring in Carpenters dissertation A&M Records in ; they achieved major come after the people year thug the whack singles "(They Long private house Be) Dynamism to You" and "We've Only Change Begun". Description duo's depression of easy on the ear pop produced a record-breaking run castigate hit recordings on description American Top40 and Contemporary cha
My earliest memories are of my family of five living in a hollowed out redwood tree stump complete with a spiral staircase hewn into the charred remains of the fire opened tree. The forts that I would build in those early days, sometimes 40 feet in the air, had cat walks and swings and hatched doors that led to other levels, unnamed rooms and secret escape routes. Our year old house and my lofty dwellings; these were my first windows into what I later learned was called architecture.
I later made it to the big city. Following another passion of mine, I got a masters degree in Literature, focusing on mystic poetry from Dante to Yeats (though Huck Finn remains my true love). But there was never a time when I was not a builder. I worked for years building low income housing in Northeast Portland and also apprenticed under some very successful local contractors. For awhile I was moving toward the architecture of language over the more familiar poetry of form—my natural language. Then after years of doing one and learning about the other I had an epiphany:
The building process, the whole thing, from a simple closet to a contemporary Japanese bathroom, from solid communication and integrity to creating spaces that make people say, “Ah!” this i • Mainly remembered now as the granddaddy of gay rights campaigning - living openly with his lover and writing bravely about it - he was also an advocate of socialism, anarchism, feminism, vegetarianism, clothes reform and teetotalism. He opposed imperialism, vivisection, war and capital punishment. He travelled widely, writing sympathetically about India and Ceylon. He believed in nude sunbathing, trade unions and the value of having your piano in the kitchen. And of course sandals, which he designed, made and popularised. He was the friend – and possibly lover - of the famous American poet Walt Whitman, and imitated him in his own long poetry cycle Towards Democracy, the touchstone for many an early socialist. He made sandals for Bernard Shaw, who satirised him in Candida, and helped EM Forster both to come out and write. He lead meetings with William Morris, supported Bert Ward and the Sheffield Clarion ramblers, the suffragettes, and the campaign for clean air. The signatories to his 70th and 80th birthday cards include almost every important labour and trade union figure of his time. Gay campaigners the world over pay him dues as a courageous man in advance of public opinion - who, at the time of the Oscar Wilde trial, theorised and celebrated