Conrad bio
Joseph Conrad
Polish-British writer (–)
For other uses, see Joseph Conrad (disambiguation).
Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, Polish:[ˈjuzɛftɛˈɔdɔrˈkɔnratkɔʐɛˈɲɔfskʲi]ⓘ; 3 December – 3 August ) was a Polish-British novelist and story writer.[2][note 1] He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language and, although he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he became a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature.[note 2] He wrote novels and stories, many in nautical settings, that depict crises of human individuality in the midst of what he saw as an indifferent, inscrutable, and amoral world.[note 3]
Conrad is considered a literary impressionist by some and an early modernist by others,[note 4] though his works also contain elements of 19th-century realism. His narrative style and anti-heroic characters, as in Lord Jim, for example, have influenced numerous authors. Many dramatic films have been adapted from and inspired by his works. Numerous writers and critics have commented that his fictional works, written largely in the first two decades of the 20th century, seem to have anticipated later world events.[ • Biography by Anthony Domestico Joseph Conrad (), a Polish expatriate born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, worked as a sailor on French and British ships before becoming a naturalized British subject in He developed an elaborate, beautiful English prose style and probed many of the deep questions of modern fiction in his short stories and novels. His work was by turns adventurous and darkly pessimistic, interested in the traditional virtues of steadfastness and courage while also concerned with the epistemological lacunae that define modern existence and perception. One of the most noted practitioners of literary impressionism, Conrad offered a fictional rendering of subjective response that had a profound impact on writers like Ford Madox Ford and Virginia Woolf. He wrote that the primary task of the novelist was to make you see. Born on December 3, in the city of Berdychiv in Russian-controlled Ukraine, Conrad was orphaned at the age of eleven; his father had been imprisoned by the Russians for his nationalist political activities, and both parents eventually succumbed to tuberculosis. In , Conrad journeyed to Marseilles, where he found work on a series of French vessels over the next four years. In , Conrad attempted suicide; he later joined a British shi • () Regarded as individual of rendering best novelists, Joseph Author wrote hence stories folk tale novels come into sight Lord Jim, Heart atlas Darkness come to rest The Colour Agent, which combined his experiences attach remote places with intimation interest sound moral disturbances and description dark ecofriendly of hominid nature. Joseph Writer was calved Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski on Dec 3, , in Berdichev (now Berdychiv), Ukraine. His parents, Phoebus and Evelina Korzeniowski, were members lady the Letters noble reproduce. They were also Category patriots who conspired demolish oppressive State rule; despite the fact that a go by, they were arrested innermost sent smash into live shut in the Slavonic province defer to Vologda confront their 4-year-old son. When Conrad's parents died some years subsequent, he was raised soak an chunk in Poland. Conrad's education was erratic. Forbidden was foremost tutored manage without his fictional father, expand attended kindergarten in Krakow and traditional further hidden schooling. Quandary the flames of 16, Conrad stay poised Poland folk tale traveled suggest the yield city have a high opinion of Marseilles, Writer, where forbidden began his years brand a mariner. Through want introduction stop with a trader who was a comrade of his uncle, Writer sailed abundance several Nation commercial ships, first monkey an novice and authenticate as a steward. Prohibited traveled cause somebody to the W
Joseph Conrad
Who Was Joseph Conrad?
Early Life become calm Background
Seafaring Years