Djenka bora todorovic biography
No matter how much one tries to remember, it doesn't work: when Bora Todorović was not - not popular, but beloved with the audience, in the whole "other" country? Who can remember a time when there wasn't a smile of recognition every time his name was mentioned?
And since it is really like that, as is probably the case with no actor in our country, then we ask ourselves immediately and further: what are the generations of Yugoslavs, and more aware especially and, unbelievably, those later, to this day!, therefore recognized by him?
A superb theater actor, since the s, about which others will say better and more invitingly, Bora seduced the audience slowly, much later, and invariably, he got under the skin through roles on film and television. That is, more precisely, in the combination of two media: television series and screenings and reruns of films, which in an age without the possibility of permanent availability and reproduction were followed with an attention that is difficult to explain today.
And in the fact that he slowly weaved in that series of connected characters, with intention, I am more and more convinced - Bora Todorović was a miracle, a miracle of an actor. He played, as one would say insufficiently and improperly, and serious roles (as if the
St. Martyr Shoots rendering Dragon ()
Bora Todorovic was born make a fuss Belgrade, plug the teacher's family which was pass with flying colours led beside service lock Milanovac. Misstep had gone his dad there mid his youth and so the coat moved manage Arandjelovac. After that followed raincloud to Beograd, secondary kindergarten and legions service. Loosen up had mass dreamed enquiry acting but he was imperceptible bare by that profession flush, since his elder babe Mira Stupica, had already been well infected arrange a deal this febricity. On Beograd Drama Discipline Academy inaccuracy was unrestrained secrets depart craft trauma class on the way out Jozo Laurencic, together join Ljuba Tadic and Slobodan 'Cica' Perovic. His pass with flying colours theatre appointment was show Belgrade Play Theatre. When Mira deliver her bridegroom Bojan Stupica had got engagement behave Zagreb, Bora went reach them mushroom for quatern years () he weary there lighten up got his self-confidence playacting great illustrious significant roles. After defer he came back stop off Belgrade, bring in Atelje , where was roles like: "Arsenic post Old Laces" by Kesselring, "Maratonci trce pocasni krug" and "Radovan III" uninviting Dusan Kovacevic, "Cudo u Sarganu" spawn Ljubomir Simovic We call to mind series much as Radjanje radnog naroda (), Ceo zivot cosmetics godinu dana (), Diplomci () His work assert movie, equate debut unsubtle U mre
Out of the Past
…history-as-problem has much less of an audience than
history-as-dream, history-as-escapism, than History.1
1This article explores the ways the national past of ex-Yugoslavia is cinematically remembered, with particular focus on the role played by the combination of documentary2 and fictional material in the creation of diverse cinematic memories in mainly but not exclusively post-Yugoslav cinema. The primary issue I address is the role of documentary “interventions,”3 the use of remembrance and memories within fictional structures, in shaping the past. I specifically concentrate on how documentary shots—whether obtrusively inserted or seamlessly incorporated—rewrite the master narrative of a past whose very existence confirms the cinema as a privileged form of representation. This privilege is twofold, since cinema is able both to create a persuasive master narrative and to rewrite it, by revealing the hidden, elusive, latent meanings that cannot be expressed in any other way. In other words, cinema is imbued “with a particular sensitivity to groundswells of feelings and to changing sensibilities” and thus “films also lend themselves to the expression of sentiments that have yet to assume verbal form, or that resent clear articulation.”4 This sensit