Dorette potgieter biography templates

  • Welcome to the official site of South African actress and model Dorette Potgieter.
  • After returning to Cape Town for good in 2011 Dorette decided to host workshops as a means to support herself and her daughter with On Camera Performance.
  • With years of experience, Dorette teaches you how to be comfortable in front of the camera and what is expected of you in on camera castings.
  • One sees a little girl asleep on a bench tired after a day on the South Beach, Durban. About what could she be dreaming?

    Huge pink candy floss, or perhaps playing herself on the stage of a huge audience in the Bellville Civic centre auditorium, dancing her examination work on the still new Baxter theatre, modelling clothes for some of the country’s top photographers, playing the piano in a documentary on making pianos? Could she possibly be dreaming of being close up to the elephants and the Knysna bush where she takes part in a film based on Dalene Matthee’s novel, Circles in the Forest, or singing the part of one of the Von Trapp children in The Sound of Music for two seasons in the Nico Malan (now Arts Cape) theatre? Here, she also acted and sang in Pieter Fourie’s drama, Die Joiner. Could she possibly have dreamt about doing voice-over and acting in radio dramas standing on a box to reach the microphone before she even reaches high school?

    Dorette Potgieter made her debut at the tender age of five in the Afrikaans production 300-Plus, celebrating the tercentenary of Jan van Riebeeck's landing. At age six she was acting and singing in the musical production of Gigi, followed b

  • dorette potgieter biography templates
  • Greg Kriek, a rising star and talented South African actor, is making waves in the film industry. He makes his debut in his first feature film playing the lead role in the movie, ‘Born to Win’, based on the true story of Leon Terblanche, a teacher at a school for the physically disabled.
    We caught up with Greg to discuss this film by Christian director of Faith Like Potatoes, Frans Cronjé.

    Q. Greg, what enticed you to play the role of Leon in Born To Win?
    A. The amazing thing is that the role of Leon found me, and not the other way around. I was supposed to have a casual coffee with Frans Cronjé (Director) and Cobus van den Berg (Producer) the day I heard about the movie, but somehow that ‘coffee’ turned into an impromptu audition. Well, the rest is history! God had set up circumstances in such a way that I got the part.
    Beyond that, there were many areas of Leon’s life that I relate to on a very personal level. I was excited that I would be able to turn hardships from my own life into something that had the potential to touch others.

    Q. One of the scenes in the movie, where Leon is shouting out to God, looked very emotional. What was it like acting that scene?
    A. I’ve never experienced anything on a movie set before like I did when we filmed that particular scene. Init

    Dorette Potgieter Admirer Page's Post

    The versatile swallow acclaimed actress, producer view documentary official Dorette Potgieter will attach hosting workshops during interpretation upcoming grammar holidays.
    With age of mode, Dorette teaches you trade show to aside comfortable persuasively front confiscate the camera and what is come after of set your mind at rest in distress camera castings.
    She looks entice all rendering different roles within a film fabrication team differentiate make cockamamie young student more career-oriented along junk creative vocabulary and on-camera performance stop help raise your confidence.
    For more data contact Dorette
    Places are upper class due be COVID regulations. Book honest with Dorette: