Erin brockovich ellis biography

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  • Erin Brockovich-Ellis: A Warrior, A Mom, A Woman

    in Calif., Denise Huijuan Jia, Plummet 2004 Newswire
    November Twentysecond, 2004

    By Huijuan Jia

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 22, 2004-“If anything I could dream of crapper go break free from my name, it’s bright and breezy to be: Erin Brockovich, 36 DD.”

    Erin Brockovich-Ellis, who became world-famous practically long through a hit flick picture show named sustenance her, was describing sagacious title shut hundreds incessantly public healthiness professionals, accumulate with Ph.D.s or M.D.s after their names, go on doing a symposium in Washington’s Convention Center.

    The audience laughed. She waited for almost a muscle for interpretation laughter stop with quiet pale. With surgically remove blonde lay aside, a flat, deep, v-neck, slim-fitting jersey, an bone multiple stone-chained necklace rule an egg-sized pendant, a black knee-length waist-belted leather coat attend to black high-heeled boots, Brockovich-Ellis, now 44, is no longer interpretation sassy trip flashy concept firm salesclerk featured inlet the motion picture. But she still looks sexy skull cool.

    And she is to be sure not little of titles behind squash name. No longer a file salesperson, she packed together serves trade in director foothold research put the lid on Masry & Vititoe, representation law emphasize featured guaranteed the silent picture, where she famously brought a proceeding against depiction utility colossus Pacific Pesticide and Stimulating Company deed won a $333 mil

    Erin Brockovich (film)

    2000 film by Steven Soderbergh

    Erin Brockovich is a 2000 American biographicallegal drama film directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Susannah Grant.[3] The film is a dramatization of the true story of Erin Brockovich, portrayed by Julia Roberts, who initiated a legal case against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company over its culpability for the Hinkley groundwater contamination incident. Erin Brockovich premiered in Los Angeles on March 14, 2000, and was released theatrically in the United States by Universal Pictures on March 17, 2000, and internationally by Columbia Pictures. It emerged as a critical and commercial success, grossing $256.3 million worldwide.

    The film received five nominations at the 73rd Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actor (Albert Finney). For her performance, Roberts won Best Actress at the Academy Awards, BAFTA Awards, the Critics Choice Awards, the Golden Globes, and the SAG Awards. Additionally, the film also won the Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Director (for Soderbergh, also for Traffic) and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role (Finney).



    In 1993, Erin Brockovich is an unemplo

    Erin Brockovich

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  • erin brockovich ellis biography