Fiammetta lamata di boccaccio biography
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00.kennedy.000 6/13/03 2:56 PM Cross your mind i
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Stephen G. Nichols, Gerald Ruler, and Wendy Steiner
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International Encyclopedia of Pseudonyms: Band 1 A – Bradds 9783110944440, 9783598249617
Table of contents :
Contents / Inhalt / Contenu / Contenuto / Contenido
Notes for the user / Hinweise für den Benutzer / Notes pour l'utilisateur / Avvertenze / Indicaciones para el uso
List of Sources / Quellenliste / Liste des sources / Elenco delle fonti / Lista de fuentes
Abbreviations of cited Reference Works / Abkürzungen der Quellen / Abréviations des sources / Abbreviazioni bibliografiche / Abreviaturas de las fuentes
General Abbreviations / Allgemeine Abkürzungen / Abréviations générales / Elenco delle abbreviazioni / Abreviaturas generales
Real Names / Wirkliche Namen / Vrais noms / Veri nomi / Nombres verdaderos. 1. A - Bradds
B. Ba, Oumar – Bradds, Gary
Citation preview
International Encyclopedia of Pseudonyms Internationale Enzyklopädie der Pseudonyme Encyclopédie Internationale des Pseudonymes Enciclopedia Internazionale dei Pseudonimi Enciclopedia Internacional de Pseudónimos
International Encyclopedia of Pseudonyms Part I: Real Names [Volumes 1 – 9] Part II: Pseudonyms [Volumes 10 – 16]
Internationale Enzyklopädie der Pseudonyme Teil I: Wirkliche Namen [Bände 1 – 9] Teil II: Pseudonyme [Bände 10 – 16]
Encyclopédie Internationale des Pseudonymes Part
Fiona davis biography
Fiona Davis Biography
Fiona Davis is the New York Times bestselling author of six historical fiction novels set in iconic New York City buildings, including The Magnolia Palace, The Dollhouse, The Address, and The Lions of Fifth Avenue, which was a Good Morning America book club pick.
Fiona davis biography
Her novels have been chosen as "One Book, One Community" reads and her articles have appeared in publications like The Wall Street Journal and O the Oprah magazine.
She first came to New York as an actress, but fell in love with writing after getting a master's degree at Columbia Journalism School.
Her books have been translated into over twenty languages and she's based in New York City.
Books by this author
Fiona Davis's website
This bio was last updated on 06/02/2023. In a perfect world, we would like to keep all of BookBrowse's biographies up to date, but with many thousands of lives to keep track of it's simply impossible to