Geronimo jumping bull biography of mahatma gandhi
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Louie Henri (older)
Indians, by Arthur Kopit, was first staged at the Aldwych Theatre in London on July 4, It is a long one-act play that is about the genocide of the American Indians and the legendary figure of Buffalo Bill who is both sacrificial hero and sly showman. Indians is an experimental, absurdist piece that eschews conventional plotting and characterization. These qualities brought Indians a fair amount of criticism of the play's structure. Nevertheless, the power of this play's message and the new presentation that it attempts garnered Kopit admiration, launching his career as a playwright from collegiate productions to the professional realm.
The late s, when Indians was first produced, was a tumultuous time in the history of the United States. Minority groups, including the American Indians, were fighting for equal civil rights, which were legally granted by the Civil Rights Act of Abroad, the U.S. government had involved itself in the Vietnam War against which many U.S. citizens protested. Kopit was inspired to write Indians after reading that the deaths of innocent people killed in the Vietnam W
Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading Scripts
Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading Scripts This set of 5 group readers is intended to promote the concepts behind PRIDE – standing for Positive Mental Attitude, Respect, Intelligent Choices, Dreams and Effort (Education). In short, the promotion of healthy, positive self-esteem among young people, highlighting the fact that ‘being the best’ takes time, effort and all round commitment. Also available as an Assembly or Class Play. Extract from PRIDE Group Readers VE MENTAL ATTITUDE Coach: You're getting there! But don't forget. It's not just about looking big on the outside. You've got to feel big on the inside, too. Player 2: That's where your strength comes from. Player 1: Right. I can lift weights all day long but when I get out there on court, those muscles alone aren't going to help me one bit! Player 3: Not if you don't believe in yourself. Player 2: Not if you don't have fire in your belly! Dancer 1: (Squirming) Ooh! Sounds painful! Player 3: You have to want it so bad it really does hurt! Player 2: That's what playing is all about. Having the passion to win Player 3: And doing your best. And that is just as important off court as on. Fan 1: You mean (sniggering) like