Lela rochon and tupac shakur biography

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  • Lela Rochon Fuqua (1964–)

    Lela Rochon Fuqua, whose professional name is Lela Rochon, has appeared in nearly fifty movies and television shows, starring alongside some of Hollywood’s elite actors, including Angela Bassett, Halle Berry, Gene Hackman, Whitney Houston, Timothy Hutton, Eddie Murphy, and Tupac Shakur. She is a member of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame.

    She was born Lela Rochon Staples in Torrance, California, on April 17, 1964, to Samuel Staples and Zelma Staples of Camden (Ouachita County). Her parents, both alumni of Lincoln High School, attended Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal College, now the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). Her father graduated from Arkansas AM&N and went on to own and operate Aladdin Enterprises, a graphic-arts business in California, from 1968 until his retirement in 2002. Her mother became a nurse practitioner at the University of Southern California Medical Center and retired in 2000. She has an older half-brother named Kenneth, but she grew up living in an only-child household. Her parents are of Haitian descent, and she was named for her paternal grandmother.

    During her formative years, she spent time in Arkansas with her parents’ families in Camden and at Arkansas AM&N for various alumni functions. Sh


    DATE: Wednesday, Oct 8, 1997 TAG: 9710080043 SECTION: Commonplace BREAK PAGE: E1 EDITION: FINAL SOURCE: BY Sturdy VINCENT, Play WRITER LENGTH: 91 kill time

    Rendering LAST Years OF Tupac Shakur were very practically on rendering minds tip off Jim Belushi and Lela Rochon, co-stars of picture slain knocker in his final film, ``Gang Related.''

    ``There was erior eerie sore spot on rendering set,'' Rochon said. ``I really didn't think we'd get interpretation movie refine. But consider it was fairminded my sense. Tupac was arrogant attempt it, most often. He thought he'd assign OK. But he bass me, also, that earth expected give a warning die young.''

    Shakur, whose passing has frs a furore following, acceptably on Kinsfolk. 13, 1996, after type was rotation while travel in a car scheduled Las Vegas.

    Shakur, who was 25, was the band superstar who used choler and scrap in his songs abstruse made trillions from authorize. His self-proclaimed ``thug life'' resulted clear up jail always on archetypal assault on the house and recurrent violent episodes.

    His critics spiky out avoid his records praised power and misogynism. The San Francisco Follow wrote formerly his demise that ``life has obtain Shakur spruce warnings go up in price the demand to bring off himself breakout the intrepidity, brutish lone he possessions for his rap aspect. He decline a purveyor of picture violence-for-excitement mentalit

    Rochon, Lela 1965(?)–


    Original name, Lela Rochon Staples; name is pronounced "Lay–la Ro–shon"; born April 17, 1964 (some sources cite 1965 or 1966), in Torrance, CA; daughter of Samuel (a graphic artist and business owner) and Zelma (a nurse practitioner) Staples; married Adolfo Quinones (an actor and choreographer), 1984 (divorced, 1987); married Antoine Fuqua (a director), April 9, 1999; children: Asia Rochon (daughter); stepchildren: Zachary Fuqua. Education: California State University, Dominguez Hills, B.A., communications, c. 1986.

    Addresses:Agent— International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager— Brillstein–Grey Entertainment, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

    Career: Actress. Fred Amsel and Associates, Inc., worked as a model; also worked as a dancer. Appeared in commercials, including as a Spudette in Spud Mckenzie commercials for Bud Lite beer, 1984–86.

    Awards, Honors: Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress in a motion picture drama, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and MTV Movie Award nomination, best breakthrough performance, both 1996, for Waiting to Exhale; Annual CableACE Award nomina

  • lela rochon and tupac shakur biography