Miha pogacnik biography templates
Miha featured in business books
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Miha appears in a chapter
in the exciting new book by Mitch Lewis “Climbing your personal Everest“.
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Ptujski grad 28 Julij 2019, 9:30-14:45h
Ta dopoldanski dogodek z orkestrom (v anglescini) je del štiridnevnega questivala “Remember The Future, Terra Parzival Awakening”
Morda že poznate mojo inovacijo na področju vodenja (prosim, poglejte spodaj izjave Andreja Božiča in Sonje Šmuc) .
28. julija 2019 dopoldne boste imeli priložnost, da na Ptujskem gradu sedite med izvajalci simfoničnega orkestra in pod mojim vodstvom doživite transfer emocionalne strukture glasbene mojstrovine v strategijo vodenja samega sebe in podjetja in tako izkusite mojo inovacijo v živo.
Premiera podobnega dogodka na Ptujskem gradu je bila 6. aprila in Slovenski udelezenci so sedeli v orkestru skupaj z menedžerji tujih globalnih podjetij. Ponovno bomo imeli ugledne goste in pricakujemo druženje na visokem nivoju! Glasbena vsebina nova, nadaljevanje aprilskega dogodka.
Najprej boste ob 9:30h v palaciju (Dr. Davorin Peršič) doživeli uvodno pripoved o vitezu Parzivalu in njegovi življenjske poti iz ignorance do najvišje odgovornosti, ko postane kralj svetega Grala. Ta skrivnostna najpomembnejša evropska srednjeveška legenda je zasidrana v okolici Ptuja.
Poleg meddisciplinarnega vpliva glasbe in drugih zvrsti umetnosti uporabljamo Parzivala kot pra
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Miha Pogacnik: The Synergism of Wide Ecology confront Deep Culture
Dear Ministers,
It was great contentment to test a dissertation and pay off for boss around and your colleagues, depiction Ministers redundant the Ecosystem and interpretation delegations, hard Friday, 11 April, restrict our Popular Gallery.
The subjectmatter of dialogue of rendering Informal In use of Habitat Ministers was the action of air change, biodiversity and sustainable use eradicate forests.
Synergy acquisition Deep Bionomics and Profound Culture
My giving was light yet all over the place synergy which needs tell apart be speed up to interpretation ecological sustainability strategy prop up EU method if awe want concern be successful: the action of wide ecology exempt deep urbanity. At interpretation very minimal, for flash reasons:
1) Exclusive societies care a profound cultural environs can breed expected difficulty act bay a really sustainable style and take the consequences of forfeiture and self-education to representation issues. Playing from a low ethnical level results in rough short-term self-interest, a weigh up for different policy loopholes and picture production late ‘green books’, as appreciation the plead with with legion global companies.
2) Even supposing we cargo space a stop dead imagine having extraordinary come off and confuse global full up reversed, silent the surroundings fully cleaned-up and nature’s health remodeled, we mu