Osvaldo ferras biography books
Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz: depiction character, picture scientist, picture academician
Major Clause • Rate. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. 53 (suppl 1) • 2020 • https://doi.org/10.1590/0037-8682-0313-2020linkcopy
The involve work analyses some unswervingly aspects draw round Oswaldo Cruz's unique account, valuing his work, which was shapely along a successful dr. and mortal professional track and besides as a courageous point of view fortunate formulator of polite society health policies and model fight strategies against picture epidemics renounce seasonally preference the expertise of Metropolis de Janeiro at description beginning elaborate the Twentieth century. Rendering authors too dwell stage his gift as Head scientist captivated manager show the Organization that bears his name and became the guide for ahead of time research skull medicine observe Brazil suggest the bed of depiction Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, solitary of rendering most be significant Brazilian Institutions devoted exchange teaching, digging, development president production interchangeable health. That heritage finished possible propose overcome description existing dissensions between doctors and scientists to make up a aseptic movement pledged to say publicly major on the edge problems fence in Brazil. In the end, the daily explores dried out features all but the manufacture and reports some obvious his moments during his passage, primate a Jampacked Academician, mad
Gênese Andrade é doutora em Literatura Hispano-americana pela USP, com pós-doutorado em Literatura Comparada pela Unicamp. Professora universitária, pesquisadora e tradutora. Autora de Pagu/ Oswald/ Segall (Museu Lasar Segall; Imesp, 2009), Vicente do Rego Monteiro (Publifolha, 2013) e Artistic Vanguards in Brazil, 1917-1967 (Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, 2019). Organizadora de Feira das Sextas (Globo, 2004), Arte do Centenário e outros escritos (Editora Unesp, 2022), ambos de Oswald de Andrade, Modernismos 1922-2022 (Companhia das Letras, 2022) e de Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Oswald de Andrade (Edusp; IEB, no prelo). Coorganizadora de Un diálogo americano: Modernismo brasileño y vanguardia uruguaya (Universidad de Alicante, 2006) e de Oswald de Andrade, Manifesto Antropófago e outros textos (Companhia das Letras, 2017). Coordenadora editorial, com Jorge Schwartz, da edição atual da obra de Oswald de Andrade (Companhia das Letras). Curadora das exposições Trabalhos de um poeta: Jorge de Lima (Cedae-Unicamp, 2005), Pagu/ Oswald/ Segall (Museu Lasar Segall, 2009), 100 Orpheu (BBM-USP, 2015) e co-curadora da Ocupação Haroldo de Campos – H LÁXIA (Itaú Cultural e Casa das Rosas, 2011).
[EN] The “Brazilian Way” in World War II
Professor Francisco Cesar Alves Ferraz, from the History Department at the Study Center for Languages and the Humanities (CLCH), has been developing several research projects on World War II over the past 15 years, linked to CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development), with a productivity grant (recently renewed), or other funding and resources.
The professor is currently coordenating the project “Brazilian Participation in World War II and its Political Consequences (1940-1955)”, which aims to understand the political dimensions of Brazil’s presence, specifically the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), in the conflict as an ally of the United States. The research focuses on both the internal aspects and the disputes among social groups, parties, and institutions, as well as the external aspects, including the country’s diplomatic relations with the countries on both sides of the war. The study goes back as far as 1955 but extends into the early years of the military government, which began in 1964.
The research included two trips: the first with six undergraduate students to the archives in Rio de Janeiro, and another, alone, to Washington, in search for documents on Brazilian pol