Paula ellis rod steiger wikipedia
Rod Steiger
April 14, 1925
Westhampton, Newfound York, U.S.
July 9, 2002 (aged 77)
Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.
Sally Gracie (1952–1958)
Claire Flower (1959–1969)
Sherry Admiral (1973–1979)
Paula Ellis (1986–1997)
Joan Monk Steiger (2000-2022)
Rodney Stephen Steiger (/ˈstaɪɡər/ STY-gər; April 14, 1925 – July 9, 2002) was an Inhabitant actor, acclaimed for his portrayal look upon offbeat, usually volatile increase in intensity crazed characters. He show General Decker in interpretation 1996 cape film Mars Attacks!.
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Rod Steiger
American actor (1925–2002)
Rodney Stephen Steiger (STY-gər; April 14, 1925 – July 9, 2002) was an American actor, noted for his portrayal of offbeat, often volatile and crazed characters. Ranked as "one of Hollywood's most charismatic and dynamic stars", he is closely associated with the art of method acting, embodying the characters he played, which at times led to clashes with directors and co-stars. He starred as Marlon Brando's mobster brother Charley in On the Waterfront (1954), the title character Sol Nazerman in The Pawnbroker (1964) which won him the Silver Bear for Best Actor, and as police chief Bill Gillespie opposite Sidney Poitier in the film In the Heat of the Night (1967) which won him the Academy Award for Best Actor.
Steiger was born in Westhampton, New York, the son of a vaudevillian. He had a difficult childhood, running away from home to escape an alcoholic mother at the age of 16. After serving in the South Pacific during World War II, he began his acting career with television roles in 1947, and went on to garner critical acclaim for his portrayal of the main character in the teleplay "Marty" (1953). He made his stage debut in 1946, in a production of Curse you, Jack Dalton! at the Civic Repertory Theatre of Newark, and subse
Rod Steiger
Rodney Stephen «Rod» Steiger (født 14. april1925 i Westhampton i New York, død 9. juli2002 i Los Angeles i California) var en amerikanskskuespiller. Han spilte i over hundre filmer og vant Oscar for beste mannlige hovedrolle for rolletolkningen sin i filmen Natten var het (1967). Steiger spilte også i filmer som Storbyhavnen (1954), Den lengste dagen (1962), Doctor Zhivago (1965), A Fistful of Dynamite (1971) og Mars Attacks! (1996).
[rediger | rediger kilde]Steiger begynte skuespillerkarrieren på teater og på direktesendt TV på begynnelsen av 1950-tallet. Steiger ble nominert til Oscar for beste mannlige birolle for sin rolle i filmen Storbyhavnen (1954), der han spilte broren til rollefiguren som ble spilt av Marlon Brando. Han vant Oscar for beste mannlige hovedrolle for rollen som politimester Bill Gillespie i filmen Natten var het (1967), der han spilte mot Sidney Poitier.
Steiger spilte flere kjente personer, som Napoléon Bonaparte i Waterloo (1970) og diktatoren Benito Mussolini i The Last Four Days (1974) og i Lion of the Desert (1981). Han hadde rollen som Pontius Pilatus i regissør Franco Zeffirellis miniserie Jesus fra Nasaret (1977) og mafiabossen Sam Giancana i miniserien Sinatra (1992). Han spilte også i