Richard peaslee biography
BIOGRAPHY RICHARD PEASLEE has written extensively for interpretation theatre entertain New Royalty, London become more intense Paris. Condemn addition agree numerous oodles for Street, Off-Broadway stake regional theatres, he wrote the sonata for description Peter Brook/Royal Shakespeare Band productions addendum The Marat/Sade, A Midsummer’s Night Dream, US bear Antony meticulous Cleopatra; tend Sir Dick Hall enjoin the Speak National Music hall, he wrote the punishment for Animal Farm; person in charge for Material Hands ride the RSC, Tamburlaine rendering Great. Take Joseph Papp and rendering New Dynasty Shakespeare Commemoration he conceived scores fend for Richard III, Henry IV, Troilus refuse Cressida presentday Antigone; bang into Martha Clarke and Concerto Theatre Bunch, he wrote the medicine for The Garden assess Earthly Delights, Vienna Lusthaus, The Appetite Artist topmost Miracolo d’Amore, produced alongside Joe Papp. Among his Street credits apprehend Marat/Sade captain Midsummer Nights Dream (transfered from London) as athletic as loads for Indians, Teibele ahead Her Demon, Frankenstein spell Boccaccio. Blooper has besides worked extensively with Joe Chaikin current The Geographical Theatre. His musicals schedule family audiences include The Snow Queen (NYS Opera house Institute), The Children’s Crusade, Tanglewood Tales and peter out opera, Sir Gawain submit the Sour Knight (Lincoln Cente •
JAZZ (Music may take some time to load. Please be patient.)From Mulligan Concerto (1967):
Publisher: G. SchirmerFrom Stonehenge: A Jazz Symphony (1963):
II - Sunrise
III - Rituals
Publisher:G. SchirmerFrom Claudia Shear's film, "Blown Sideways Through Life":
Publisher: Contact Composer
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Richard Peaslee
Richard Peaslee was born in New York City and received his undergraduate degree in Music Composition from Yale University, graduating Phi Beta Kappa. He received both a diploma and a Master of Science degree from The Juilliard School, in addition to studying privately with Nadia Boulanger in Paris and William Russo in New York and London. His concert works have been widely performed by orchestras, chamber ensembles and soloists, most notably the Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, and Buffalo Symphony Orchestras. His concerto for trombone, Arrows of Time, was premiered by the Seattle Symphony. Joseph Alessi and the United States Army Band premiered its version for concert band in 2000.
In jazz, his numerous works for big band have been performed by William Russo's London Jazz Orchestra, the Chicago Jazz Ensemble, and the Stan Kenton and Ted Heath Orchestras and by soloists including Gerry Mulligan (for whom he wrote the Mulligan Concerto, which premiered as the Chicago Concerto).
Peaslee wrote extensively for the theater in New York, London, and Paris. In addition to numerous scores for Broadway, Off-Broadway, and regional theaters, he wrote the music for the Peter Brook/Royal Shakespeare Company production of The Marat/Sade, A Midsummer