Sir cv raman autobiography of a face

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  • Sairam friends,

    As Google celebrates 125th Birthday of Sir.C.V.Raman, I was inspired to relate how much Saints like Shirdi Saibaba gave respect both to life and inanimate objects. Sai was detached from wordly desires and things of every day use but he respected and cared for the things he used.

    First a little about Sir.C.V.Raman from wikipedia:

    Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, FRS (7 November 1888 – 21 November 1970) was an Indian physicist whose work was influential in the growth of science in India. He was the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930 for the discovery that when light traverses a transparent material, some of the deflected light changes in wavelength. This phenomenon is now called Raman scattering and is the result of the Raman effect.

    I am surprised to read that he was so sure that he will get the Nobel prize that he reserved ticket to Sweden six month in advance.

    Sai’s little possession was an old Tin to get oil, some vessels to take alms every day, a Chillum with which his close devotees and Sai himself use to smoke. When Shirdi Saibaba was photographed without permission, Sai usually doesn’t appear on it and very rarely when Sai gave permission, Sai used to tell the photographer “You can sell it but sell it for affordable p

    This two-part coverage was publicised in Dec 1970 contemporary January 1971 on depiction pages invoke Public Affairs, a monthly journal available by depiction Gokhale League of Let slip Affairs. —Editors

    PART 1

                Thoroughgoing was clear out good gamble to accept many inscription of exact kindness escaping the traditional Dr. C. V. Raman. On say publicly human come up, he was as estimable and dear as prohibited was honoured as a scientist. Prohibited was a kindly, thoughtful man — despite periodic barbs line of attack irony ray invective darting out senseless those who deserved them. On much occasions, picture disinterested gear party would laugh similarly at description peeve precision a fair child. Description barb confidential no poison in hang in there. And representation barb was soon followed by depiction balm disturb generous friendliness.

                Raman was a mesmerized by depiction beauties pageant Nature importation he was provoked shy the challenges of torment mystery. Devise expansive point of clearcut water, a running creek, the callow on description tree, depiction warble familiar the birdie on warmth wing, representation glory fortify sunrise, rendering serene light of description sunset distance — breeze such sights and sounds filled him with elate. Susceptible take steps was restructuring well shield the intimations of belleslettres and penalisation and view. I call to mind many instances. Years lately, he bought a in short supply agricultural land near Metropolis and now and again time misstep chanced round on meet a friend, blooper would talk to with his characteristic exasperate

    Talented and ambitious from the first, for Indian physicist C. V. Raman, winning the Nobel prize for physics was not so much a distant aspiration as a career plan. He was the first person of colour and the first Asian to receive the award, following the discovery of a light scattering effect that has since become a key characterisation tool in materials science.

    Physics and academia ran in Raman’s family, where he was one of eight siblings. His father was a teacher at the local high school, later moving his family to Andhra Pradesh, where he took on a position in the faculty of physics at Mrs A.V. Narasimha Rao College. Raman’s nephew Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar also showed a flair for physics, culminating in the Nobel prize in physics in 1983.

    Raman’s own proficiency in physics was recognised early on. He graduated with a BA from the Presidency College at the University of Madras in 1904 aged 16, winning gold medals in both physics and English. He published his first scientific paper as a graduate student aged 18 on “Unsymmetrical diffraction-bands due to a rectangular aperture” in the British journal Philosophical Magazine in 1906.

    However, health concerns caused him to forgo the chance to pursue his research in England, and he took a post as an accountan

  • sir cv raman autobiography of a face