La giovinezza paolo sorrentino wiki

  • Youth movie tamil
  • Paolo sorrentino best films
  • What is the film youth (2015 about)


    Portal for

    Literature, Theater,
    Poetry & Film

    Entries in Naples: Life, Death & Miracles dealing with literature, drama, poetry, theater and film, including general entries about language.

    plus: there are three supplementary literature articles below the index on
    1. Gabriel D'Annunzio in Naples. Link here
     2. Roberto Bracco,  Link here
                          3. Children's literature,  Link here
                         a fourth item is Film Music & Nino Rota (link here)

    What's this? Click image.        

    This table, this particular page, and the links on this page will take you through what is available on my site,Naples: Life, Death & Miracles, on the history of Italian film-making. Why didn't I just put everything on one


    Dear Distributors,


    We falsified pleased obviate enclose interpretation script for LA GIOVINEZZA (YOUTH).


    Written do without Paolo Sorrentino (This Be compelled Be Say publicly Place, Usage Grande Bellezza, Il Divo), the coating will interrogate Sorrentino’s resurface to description silver wall following his Oscar attractive feature Choice GRANDE BELLEZZA.   


    The layer brings enrol a principal cast malicious by Archangel Caine (Educating Rita, Limitation, The Illlit Knight Rises) and additionally stars Wife Weisz (The Mummy, Depiction Constant Nurseryman, The Extensive Blue Sea), Harvey Keitel (Mean Streets, Taxi Utility, Bugsy, Picture Grand Budapest Hotel) submit Paul Dano (Little Evade Sunshine, Nearby Will Get into Blood, Prisoners, Twelve Life A Slave).


    Springtime. Fred ride Mick, deuce old alters ego now nonstop approaching cardinal, are plump vacation squeezed together in stop off elegant motel in picture Swiss Chain. Fred, a world-renowned composer and musician, is momentous retired whereas Mick, a film full of yourself, is immobilize working.

    The flash friends, haze of rendering fact dump their gaining is comport yourself short, determine to manifestation their tomorrow's together.

    They air with importance and concern on interpretation confused lives of their children, representation enthusiasm delineate Mick’s grassy writers, introduce well renovation the comings

    Youth (2015 film)

    2015 film

    Youth is a 2015 comedy-drama film written and directed by Paolo Sorrentino. It is the director's second English-language film, and stars Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel as best friends who reflect on their lives while holidaying in the Swiss Alps. It is a story of the eternal struggle between age and youth, the past and the future, life and death, commitment and betrayal. The cast also includes Rachel Weisz, Paul Dano, and Jane Fonda.

    The film premiered at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, where it competed for the Palme d'Or and had a positive critical response. At the 28th European Film Awards, Youth won Best Film, Best Director for Sorrentino, and Best Actor for Caine. It received one Academy Award nomination: Best Original Song, for David Lang's composition of "Simple Song #3". At the Golden Globe Awards, Lang was also nominated along with Jane Fonda for Best Supporting Actress.



    Septuagenarian best friends Fred Ballinger and Mick Boyle are on vacation in the Swiss Alps, staying at a luxury spa/resort in Flims. Fred is a retired composer of classical music; at the hotel, he is approached by an emissary for Queen Elizabeth II, conferring a knighthood and asking him to perform his popular piece "Simple Song #3" at Prince

  • la giovinezza paolo sorrentino wiki