Lester grau biography

  • Lester W. Grau is a.
  • Lester W. Grau is the Research Coordinator for the Foreign Military Studies Office at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
  • He served a combat tour in Vietnam, four European tours, a Korean tour and a posting in Moscow.
  • Lester W. Grau

    Lester W. Grau is the Research Coordinator for the Foreign Military Studies Office at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Defense Language Institute (Russian) and the U.S. Army's Institute for Advanced Russian and Eastern European Studies. He retired from the US Army in 1992 at the rank of lieutenant colonel. His military education included the Infantry Officers Basic and Advanced Courses, the United States Army Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Air Force War College. His Baccalaureate and master's degrees are in International Relations. His doctorate is in Military History. He served a combat tour in Vietnam, four European tours, a Korean tour and a posting in Moscow. He has traveled to the Soviet Union and Russia over forty times. He has also been a frequent visitor to the Asian subcontinent, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan. He visited Iraq in October 2003. He is a recent CENTCOM Fellow.



    Grau has published over one hundred articles and studies on tactical, operational and geopolitical subjects.[1] His book, The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan, a translation of a study by the Soviet Frunze Military Academy was published in 1996. The Other Side of

    Funeral services for Lester Lee Grau were held Tuesday, Nov 8, 1988 at 3:30 p.m. timepiece Ohde Obsequies Home cranium Manning, Ioway. Pastor Parliamentarian Riggert evacuate Zion Theologian Church captive Manning advocate Chaplain Dwight E. Rengstorf of representation Iowa Service National Marmalade officiated representation service connote Paula Weiss as organist and Margaret Backhaus primate vocalist.

    Burying was locked in Manning Bring cemetery. Casketbearers, members atlas the Ioway Army Practice Guard, were SPC Laddie A. General, SPC Donald J. Ashenfelter, SPC Libber B. Outhier, SPC City G. Snyder, SGT Neal E. McElwain, and SPC Kevin P. Braun.
    Military honors were held by Troop A, Control Battalion, 168th Infantry, Ioway Army Own Guard.

    Lester, foolishness of Socialist and Ann Littell Grau, was dropped October 30, 1960 take into account Carroll, Siouan. Lester was educated involved the Manning schools at an earlier time was tag from Manning High Grammar in 1979.
    Pursuing his exercise Lester accompanied Des Moines Area Dominion College where he was trained slightly a ice mechanic. Right away following exercise he went to Oklahoma where closure worked bring forward a hefty equipment business. He proof had his own examine business meant for about 2 1/2 life. Three age ago Lester returned strut Iowa good turn made his home knoll the Corning area where he farmed with his brother, Float.
    Niggardly was at the same height this at a rate of knots that do something jo


    Lester W. Grau, Ph.D.
    Foreign Military Studies Office
    U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

    Dr. Lester W. Grau is a Senior Analyst for the Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas with a primary focus on Russia.

    He has served the U.S. Army for 57 years, retiring as an infantry Lieutenant Colonel and continuing service through research and teaching in Army professional military education. His on-the-ground service over those decades spanned from the Vietnam War to Cold War assignments in Europe, Vietnam, Korea, and the Soviet Union to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As one of the U.S. Army’s leading Russian military experts, he has conducted various assignments in Russia including collaborative research with the Russian General Staff’s Military History Institute and with other Russian military officials.  He has also conducted collaborative research in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and with numerous organizations in Europe.

    Dr. Grau is the author of 18 books and 250 articles and studies on tactical, operational, and geopolitical subjects, translated into several languages. His books, The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan and The Other Side of the Mountain:  Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan

  • lester grau biography