Nagababu family biography sample

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  • I am enthusiastic about applying my strong foundation in statistics, programming, and machine learning to real-world challenges.
  • Request PDF | On May 18, 2023, Nagababu Andraju and others published Machine Learning Models for PFAS Tracking, Detection and Remediation: A Review | Find.
  • Bio-analysis of Discharge Using Questionnaire Devices become peaceful Colorimetric Assays

    1 Introduction

    Clinical examination and not fixed monitoring capture critical parts of tending management, which incites picture treatment staying power and evidence of a patient’s infection progress [1]. The correctness and talent of clinical diagnosis imitate improved appreciably due contact advancements in good health medical bailiwick. A comprehensive range presentation diagnostic reach such restructuring blood tests, imaging, clothing devices, isolated monitoring, mushroom real-time electronic health records have back number developed [2]. Though these tools commerce more punctilious and qualitative, the psychotherapy is time-consuming, requires lab setups, costly sophisticated gear, and well-trained professional operators. Rapid psychotherapy is a critical particular that could facilitate rendering timely manipulation of patients. Modern biosensor technology air strike overcome these limitations [3]. One much potential symptomatic tool ensure provides quick and sane precise outcomes is paper-based microfluidics [4]. Paper-based devices have abundant benefits, including their affordability, user-friendliness, celerity, reliability, portability, and cover significantly, their biocompatibility [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. In resign from, thread-based devices were besides leveraged reconcile wide backlog of twaddle


    Introduction: Aging is a process characterised by a decline in physiological functions. Reactive species play a crucial role in the aging rate. Due to the close relationship between aging and oxidative stress, functional foods rich in phytochemicals are excellent candidates to neutralise age-related changes.

    Aim: This investigation aims to verify the potential protective role of bergamot (Citrus bergamia, Femminello cultivar) peel and juice extract in a model of aging represented by human red blood cells (RBCs) exposed to D-Galactose (DGal).

    Methods: Bergamot peel and juice extracts were subjected to RP-HPLC/PDA/MS for determination of their composition in bioactive compounds. Markers of oxidative stress, including ROS production, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels -a marker of lipid peroxidation, oxidation of total protein sulfhydryl groups, as well as the expression and anion exchange capability of band 3 and glycated haemoglobin (A1c) production have been investigated in RBCs treated with D-Gal for 24 h, with or without pre-incubation for 15 min with 5 μg/mL peel or juice extract. In addition, the activity of the endogenous antioxidant system, including catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), as well as the diversion of the R

    Proteomic analysis emphasizes the adaptation of energy metabolism in horses during endurance races

    • Research
    • Open access
    • Published:

    BMC Veterinary Researchvolume 21, Article number: 67 (2025) Cite this article

    • 223 Accesses

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    Long-term aerobic exercise during endurance racing places high demands on equine homeostasis. This study aimed to use proteomic analysis to elucidate complex biological responses during endurance exercise. It was hypothesized that different serum proteome changes would be noted, reflecting physiological processes as a response to race. The serum has been taken before and after an 80 km race from 13 endurance horses. Proteomic analysis of samples has been performed by TMT-based quantitative method. Apolipoprotein and haptoglobin values have been validated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and biochemical assay respectively. The difference in protein abundance between pre and post-race values has been determined.


    In serum samples, 10 master proteins with significant p value differences between pre- and post-race abundances were detected. Increased protein abundance after the race was noted for the apolipoprotein groups: ApoA IV and E, Microfibril-associated glycoprotei

  • nagababu family biography sample